Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Active Transportation/Livable Cities - Stakeholder Workshop

South of Eastern Strategic Direction - Resource List and Discussion Primer:

Resource List

Official Documents

City of Toronto | City Planning | Community Planning | Toronto and East York District | South of Eastern Strategic Direction | https://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=8f6692540e1c4410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD&vgnextchannel=4b4452cc66061410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD

Links listed at the 'South of Eastern Strategic Direction' link.

Active Development Applications

Here is a list of active development applications in the South of Eastern Area

629, 633 & 675 Eastern Avenue

(at the "629, 633 & 675 Eastern Avenue" link)
Supporting Documentation
Plans and Drawings Jan 21, 2014 Download
Planning Rationale Jan 21, 2014 Download
Environmental Impact Study Mar 12, 2014 Download
Transportation Impact Study Jan 21, 2014 Download
Arborist/Tree Preservation Report and/or Declaration Jan 25, 2014 Download

A Community Consultation Meeting was held for this application on January 27, 2014.

629, 633 & 675 Eastern Avenue Preliminary Report
629, 633 & 675 Eastern Avenue Community Consultation Presentation
629, 633 & 675 Eastern Avenue Community Consultation Meeting Notes

459 Eastern Avenue (Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment)

A Community Consultation Meeting date has not been scheduled for this application.
462 Eastern Avenue (Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment)

A Community Consultation Meeting date has not been scheduled for this application.

More Generally...

Port Lands Acceleration Initiative (all the links to all the Study Documents) | http://www.portlandsconsultation.ca/

Ward 30 Bikes Outreach

Google Maps | CycleTO Ward 30 Bikes: Problems/Opportunities | http://goo.gl/maps/C7h9v 

Ward 30 Bikes label: "South of Eastern Strategic Direction" | http://ward30bikes.blogspot.ca/search/label/South%20of%20Eastern%20Strategic%20Direction

A Discussion Primer:

How do the major Avenues in the South of Eastern Study Area; LSB, Eastern, Carlaw, Leslie and Coxwell relate to each other and to the neighbourhoods of Ward 30 and Ward 32?

A vision of their functioning - an article (the essence of which was outlined at Ward 30 Bikes monthly meeting on May 6th):

Ward 30 Bikes | The Amazing Shift - Eastern Avenue draws commute traffic into Riverside, Leslieville, South Riverdale - via Leslie and Carlaw from Lake Shore Boulevard | http://ward30bikes.blogspot.ca/2014/05/the-amazing-shift-eastern-avenue-draws.html

Connect the City to the Lake

Vision 1

One vision presented at the May 6 meeting was of creating many, many crossing points south across the LSB. This is reflected in the Port Lands Transportation Plan. The crossing points being considered are one of the four streets just west of Leslie (Rushbrooke, Berkshire, Larchmount, Caroline); plus Carlaw, Logan and a new street, an extension of Broadview down to Bouchette Ave (west side of McCleary Park) and the Don Roadway. The idea is this would bridge the Lake Shore Boulevard and create north-south connectivity through well designed intersections across it.

Vision 2

I have  problem with the vision above. I don't think it will solve the barrier problem.

Signal phasing will enable the high speeds that the Lake Shore Boulevard is built for (built for 100km/h speeds - signed at 60km/h - but does 80-100km/h most of the day). Unless we reduce the Boulevard to a regular Avenue - it will remain a barrier of speed and noise and width - and attract the business models we see at Leslie and LSB - and planned at 629 Eastern (creating a new Caroline south of Eastern and a new intersection at LSB).

These business models create a traffic "nexus" at the intersections where they are located. The entire intersection area becomes a barrier to active transportation and eventually (via the motor vehicle congestion it also creates) a barrier for all modes. (see Leslie and LSB; see Carlaw and LSB).

The political will to reduce the LSB to an Avenue is not on the horizon.

Instead of focusing on what the Grand Boulevard is doing, this vision focuses on Eastern Avenue. Calm Eastern in order to help create a buffer between the Employment zone (which is likely going to be all about cars) and the neighbourhood by making Eastern Avenue a Complete Street. This calming of Eastern will stop pulling traffic up from LSB onto an avenue/expressway (Front/Eastern/Kingston Rd ---> Scarborough. This will calm the north-south Streets that intersect with LSB, and allow us to create Greenway Routes accoss the Great Barrier to the Waterfront.

To Complete Eastern Avenue - narrow the traffic lanes add buffered bike lanes; create the widest possible sidewalks all along it. Add better setbacks where possible (as suggested at the 629 Public Consultation meeting on January 27, 2014 - about the 'Back Lot' concept - several suggested that the 'Back Lot' be moved out from amidst the buildings where it would be a policing issue, and bring it out to face the neighbourhood along Eastern Avenue).

Thus, a calmed Eastern becomes a collector from Broadveiw all the way over to Kingston Rd for Greenway links to it north-south: at Broadview Logan, Rushbrooke/Berkshire, Knox, Woodfield and at Jonathan Ashbridges Park and the system of Parks there - and points East and Northeast via On-street Connections and Informal Routes though Woodbine Heights to Scarborough.

By making Eastern a Complete Street we thus lessen the pull on traffic up from Lake Shore via north-south neighbourhood streets up to Eastern Avenue as an high speed avenue/expressway to Scarborough

This will lessen the pull at a proposed new Lower Caroline, as well. Thus the proposed separated bikeway through the planned StudioCentre (just to the East of new lower Caroline) works as part of the Greenway network also.

This vision allows businesses to cross the Lineal Park (the LDRT runs along it) as a trade off for the over-all good that it accomplishes.

What's YOUR vision?

Please add another vision in comments.


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